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IIR document
Heat transfer during reflux condensation of R134a inside a micro-fin tube with different tube inclinations.
Condensation heat transfer of hydrocarbons inside a compact horizontal microfin tube.
Comparative analysis of microfin vs smooth tubes in R32 and R410A boiling.
The study of entropy generation during flow boiling in a micro-fin tube.
Comparative analysis of microfin vs smooth tubes in R32 and R410A condensation.
Investigation on the heat transfer characteristics during flow boiling of liquefied natural gas in a vertical micro-fin tube.
Modified flow pattern maps for flow boiling in horizontal micro-finned tubes considering the effect of helix angle.
Saturated R1234yf flow boiling inside a compact microfin tube.
Condensation of R450A and R454B inside a compact microfin tube.
Condensation Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of R410A in Micro-Fin Tubes and Three-Dimensional Surface Enhanced Tubes.
Condensation heat transfer of R1234yf in a small diameter smooth and microfin tube and development of correlation.
Evaporation heat transfer and pressure drop of R32 in a horizontal multiport tube with microfins.
Development and validation of a micro-fin tubes evaporator model using R134a and R1234yf as working fluids.
R513A condensation inside a small sized microfin tube.
R1224yd(Z) flow boiling inside a mini microfin tube.